• 1

    Myth. Lie Detector can be easily fooled

    Polygraph is a complicated and extremely sensitive instrument. Modern polygraphs register approximately nine reflexively variable psycho-physiological parameters, which ensures high accuracy of the results. Polygraph can’t make mistakes, it’s only polygraph expert’s fault. Insufficient qualification is the only reason, which can actually lead to incorrect results. Experienced specialists won’t be deceived neither by medicines, nor by folk remedies or by specially trained people.

  • 2

    Myth. Lie detector diminishes human dignity

    As practice shows, before the beginning of lie detection test every observable person in one or another measure has a negative mood. This may be due to the reluctance, but the necessity to get through this procedure, a personal dislike to a specialist, and many other personal factors. Explanatory conversations usually eliminates these moments and the man, who has nothing to hide, find this examination using a polygraph (lie detector) more exciting than offensive.

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    Myth. The polygraph is harmful to health

    Lie detector is completely harmless! Speaking about any harm for the health, in most cases the exacerbation of some diseases is meant. Actually, there is a wide range of diseases in which an examination using polygraph is forbidden. These are heavy pathology of cardiovascular system and psychosomatic malady. That is why any polygraph test includes a preliminary discussion, which certainly clarifies some controversies.

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    Myth. Using a polygraph can find out all

    Unfortunately the polygraph is not an omnipotent. In many cases, the main obstacle to the use of the polygraph is the inability to write a good question on the desired topic.

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    Myth. Lie Detector is illegal

    Lie-detection test is voluntary and may be carried out only with the written consent of the test! This device, which is carried out the survey, must be certified and the procedure test is strictly regulated. Refusal to undergo a polygraph should not be documented.

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    Myth. After a lie detection test emotional people may be falsely accused

    Lie detector examines the "memory traces" of human and records physiological reaction after presenting appropriate incentives. The type of emotional system absolutely has no influence on the result, because if there isn’t any information about the requested accident in the memory, even the most emotional person won’t have a reaction, which affirms the falsehood. By no means, the general background of truthful answers of the emotional person can be extremely high, but there won’t be any informative features which can witness about the attempt to hide or disfigure the information.

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